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Tendoy News

Tendoy Principal Krystel Lockyer with two Maverik employees

A huge thank you and shoutout to our local Maverik for their generous donation to Tendoy Elementary School! Maverik contributed $500 in gift cards to be shared with learners and staff as rewards. We are so grateful for our amazing community partners!

Tendoy Pie the Principal picture shows Krystel Lockyer covered in cream pie

A huge thank you to Lookout Credit Union for their major sponsorship in providing shirts for our annual fun run at Tendoy Elementary; their partnership with local schools is INVALUABLE! Fun was had by all as the Tendoy PTA added "Pie the Principal" to our event. A shout-out to Pocatello PD for all their help in getting everyone to and from Alameda Park safely! Thank you to all that made this event a success!

Go Tigers!

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