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Tiger Pride

Tendoy Tigers show their pride by being Safe, Responsible, and Respectful to themselves and to others.

Tendoy Learners are Brave, Cooperative, Goal Setters, Perseverant, and Flexible Problem Solvers.

Tendoy Tigers practice "The 7 Habits of Happy Children" identified by Shawn Covey.

Tendoy Learners follow four core learner dispositions: courage, curiosity, confidence, and consistency. 


Here are a few simple tips to help ensure everyone has a safe day:

  • Please use the crosswalks before and after school. Crossing at a perceived more convenient spot may save a few seconds, but puts you and your child at risk to be harmed by an oncoming vehicle.
  • Please have your child come to school in clothing appropriate for the Idaho weather conditions. 
  • Children are outside during recess for up to twenty minutes. 
  • Please do not send your child to school before 8:00am, the playground is not supervised until then.
  • Visitors must sign in at the main office accessed by the main front doors.
  • Thank you for assisting us with these important matters. ​

Reading is Fun

Library Resources

Tendoy Tiger Pride

Discipline Plan

Parent/Student Guide

School Wide Agreements for Expected Behavior

  1. Be Safe
  2. Be Respectful
  3. Be Responsible
  4. Be Kind

Each student’s choices make a difference at Tendoy Elementary.  An emphasis is placed on teaching students to be responsible for their own behavior and academics.  When a student’s behavior does not meet with School Wide Agreements, then his/her parents/guardians are notified and consequences established.


At the beginning of each school year, Tendoy’s School Wide Agreements for expected behavior are taught and practiced.  All students will receive a t-shirt that signifies they are willing to follow these behavior expectations.


School District 25’s discipline policy and procedure (which can be found on the district’s website) outlines each behavior according to a level system.  See below for level listings for these behaviors and possible consequences for breaking a School Wide Agreement.  If a student does not honor the school wide agreements, then consequences are established and parents notified.  Your signature on a behavior check means your child has talked to you about the incident.  Please have your child return the slip the next day to her/his teacher.  Teachers will also be e-mailing you that a behavior check was sent home.


Homework is one of the many learning activities in which students engage; its purpose is to

  • Extend learning and/or provide practice in applying concepts initially presented in the classroom.
  • Provide opportunities for independent work.
  • Strengthen concept and skill development.
  • Provide opportunities for enrichment.

Students are expected to take responsibility for the completion of their homework.  If homework is not completed, an academic check parent notification slip will be e-mailed or sent home to be signed and returned to the student’s teacher.  The school counselor and/or Behavior Tech will work with the student on a “refocus skill development activity” to support those students who struggle with this task.

Tendoy has two support systems in place for students and their families for homework.  Every morning from 8:00 until 8:25 a staff member will be available to assist a student with completion of homework.  The student checks in on the clipboard with Miss Maggie and then immediately goes to the correct room for homework assistance.  On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we also have an OPTIONS program, run by our counselors, to help students get caught up on homework and/or school work. 

Level 1 Behaviors Level 2 Behaviors Level 3 Behaviors Level 4 Behaviors

disrespect; discourtesy; put downs/insults;

passive defiant insubordination; electronic device violation; profane language/gestures/trash talk; disrupting class; dress code violation; cheating, plagiarism; lying and minor thefts

verbal aggression/ intimidation/threat;

physical aggression/ intimidation/threat; active defiance/ insubordination; minor vandalism/graffiti; theft; tobacco violation/Look a likes

bullying/ cyber bullying/intimidation/hazing/ initiation extortion; racial discrimination/ harassment/ intimidation/slurs; stalking; fighting; threat/ physical injury; harassment/ sexual harassment/ indecent exposure; public urination; gang related activity/ symbols/clothing; major vandalism; computer/ technology violation; indecent exposure; public display of affection irearms/ weapons/ explosives/ look a likes; possession/ distribution/ influence of drugs/ alcohol/ paraphernalia/ inhalants/ look a likes; sexual assault;

Possible Consequences for Level 1 Behaviors:


Parent notification, community service/restoration, detention, refocus/skill development, loss of credit for assignment


If the same behavior continues then a behavior intervention plan and/or contract will be established

Possible Consequences for Level 2 Behaviors:


Parent notification, community service/restoration, detention, refocus/skill development, planned discussion, suspension, academic/ behavioral contract; classroom intervention plan/progress monitoring; refer to SRO, refer to District Discipline Review Committee (DDRC); refer to District Intervention Team (DIT)

Possible Consequences for Level 3 Behaviors:


Parent notification, community service/restoration, detention, refocus/skill development, planned discussion, suspension, academic/ behavioral contract; classroom intervention plan/progress monitoring; refer to SRO, refer to District Discipline Review Committee (DDRC); refer to District Intervention Team (DIT); recommend expulsion

Possible Consequences for Level 4 Behaviors:


Parent notification, community service/restoration, detention, refocus/skill development, planned discussion, suspension, academic/ behavioral contract; classroom intervention plan/progress monitoring; refer to SRO, refer to District Discipline Review Committee (DDRC); refer to District Intervention Team (DIT); recommend expulsion


Each Tendoy Tiger's Tracks Make a Difference


Regular, on time attendance is expected for all students.  Parents and guardians please call the school if your child will not be attending school a given day.  See Pocatello/Chubbuck School District #25 website for attendance policy. Students whose attendance violates attendance policy will be contacted by the principal and/or community resource worker to establish a plan to improve attendance.

Tendoy Elementary School

Parent/Guardian Involvement Policy 

At Tendoy Elementary School we encourage active involvement of parents in the education of their children.  We encourage parents to participate in the establishment of goals, philosophies, and procedures.

  • All parents are given the opportunity to learn about Title I program objectives, grade level standards, grading and homework policies and school procedures.  Information is sent home at the beginning of the year. 
  • Responsibilities of parents, students, and teachers are outlined in the Parent/Teacher/Student Compact.  Suggestions for the home-school  partnership are presented at conferences, parent workshops and training sessions.  Resources and materials are provided for parents to use at home with their children.  If necessary, language interpreters can be utilized in order to provide accurate information and assistance to limited English proficient families. 
  • Communication with parents is ongoing and may include:  newsletters, phone calls, e-mails, reader board, school website and other notices. 
  • A Title I Advisory Committee, Parent Advisory Council (PAC), and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) board are established that include parents of students, classroom teachers, Title I staff and the principal.  These committees meet for the purpose of program planning and evaluation. 

Approved  5/7/13 (Pac Mtg.) 

Tendoy Elementary

Home and School Compact

Student: It is important that I do my best.  I know my parents and teachers want to help me, but I am the one who has to do the work.  So, I will:

  • Believe that I can and will learn.
  • Be responsible for my behavior.
  • Give work and school papers to my parent/caregiver.
  • Pay attention and ask for help when needed.
  • Complete class work on time and to the best of my ability.

Parent/Caregiver:  I want my child to succeed.  I will encourage him/her by doing the following:

  • Encourage positive attitudes about school.
  • Support the school discipline policy and school policies
  • Make sure my child attends school regularly.
  • Encourage my child to get enough sleep and to eat nutritious meals.
  • Establish with my child a place and time to study and a daily reading time.

Classroom Teacher: I understand the importance of the school experience to every student and my position as a teacher and a role model.  I agree to:

  • Be aware of your child's needs.
  • Communicate with you about your child's progress frequently.
  • Teach concepts and skills to your child to meet state student achievement standards.
  • Motivate and encourage your child to practice academics at home.
  • Meet with parents as needed.
  • Deliver high quality curriculum and instruction.
  • Provide materials for home to enhance literacy and other academic subjects.

School Principal/Building Administrator:  I support and encourage student/parent/teacher compacts and partnerships.  I will:

  • Provide an environment that permits positive communication between the student, parent and teacher.
  • Encourage teachers and parents to provide regular opportunities for practicing academics at school and at home.
  •  Provide equal and fair opportunities to access staff and the opportunity to volunteer. 

Revised 5/7/13

Communication between school and home is imperative to support the academic and personal growth of Tendoy students.  Staff will communicate through bulletins and notes to parents'/guardians' e-mail (paper copy will be sent to those who have requested it).  Parent/Communication blocks have been established each trimester to meet with parents regarding student progress.  Parents can reach staff members before or after school with concerns at 233-2921.  Parent Activity Nights will be planned to support and inform parents with the knowledge necessary to  help their child/ren.  Working together the 2013-14 school year will be a successful experience for the students of Tendoy Elementary.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.  -Margaret Mead


Volunteers are love in motion.  Parents and community are invited to volunteer their expertise, skills and time to the school.  Volunteers help make our school a success.  With parent involvement amazing accomplishments are made.  If you are interest in volunteering in the school, contact your child's teacher the main office or a PTA officer.  Volunteering opportunities abound!


  • Please use the crosswalks before and after school. Crossing at a percceived more convenient spot may save a few seconds, but puts you and your child at risk to be harmed by an oncoming vehicle.  Thank you for your assistant in this important matter.
  • Please have your child come to school in clothes appropriate for the Idaho weather conditions.  Children are outside during recesses for up to twenty minutes.


Research studies have consistently shown that the amount of time devoted to learning is related to achievement in a subject.  Therefore, homework is an important element of a student's overall success in school.  The Tendoy Elementary staff recognizes the importance of homework as a vital part of the learning of essential skills taught in the classroom.

Definitition:  Homework is defined as work completed outside the classroom that is designed to:

  • Reinforce or provide practice of skills and concepts addressed instructionally in the class.
  • Extend skills and concepts addressed instructionally in the class.
  • Collect evidence of student understanding and application of what has been taught.
  • Provide a risk-free opportunity to experiment with and transform new learning.

How much time should homework take?  The time allotted to homework should increase gradually from grade to grade.  Generally speaking students should be expected to do 10-15 minutes of homework per grade level.  In addition to this, students should spend time reading or being read to each day. 

  • Kindergarten – 10-15 minutes
  • 1st grade – 15-20 minutes
  • 2nd grade – 20-30 minutes
  • 3rd grade – 30-40 minutes
  • 4th grade – 40-50 minutes
  • 5th grade – 50-60 minutes

Please note…..when enough time has been allowed in school for class work, and that work has not been completed, it may be assigned as homework, thereby exceeding the recommended daily time allotted to homework.  The above recommendations are approximate.  Individual needs should be taken into consideration.  If your child is having problems completing his/her homework or is spending an extraordinary amount of a time doing homework, please contact your child's teacher.

Student Dress Code

Students are encouraged to dress for success and learning.  These guidelines apply to all students at all times.  The dress code is as follows:

  • Clothing must be clean and in good repair.
  • Shoes must be appropriate for PE and the playground
  • Midriffs must be covered
  • Shorts and skirts must be mid thigh or longer
  • Hats may be worn outside only.
  • Always dress for the weather…Hats, coats, gloves, boots etc. when the weather calls for it.


  • T-shirts with inappropriate message including alcohol, tobacco, drugs, violence etc.
  • Short shorts or skirts
  • Halter tops without a t-shirt underneath
  • Spaghetti strap tank tops/muscle shirts
  • Clothing that is gang related in anyway

Students who attend school in inappropriate clothing will be sent to the office.  Parents will be notified and will be asked to come to the school with school appropriate clothing.